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As a people of God, we love and worship God by presenting our bodies as living sacrifices.  We demonstrate our love for God with a lifestyle rooted in the Word.  We love people through daily witnessing the love of Jesus Christ through our behaviors –not our words.  Our first witness of the loveof Jesus Christ is through our own lives as we study the Word of God, pray and experience God's grace, mercy and promises. As we walk by faith in the power of the Word, we become a living testimony of the saving, healing and transforming power of the love of Jesus. It is only then that we areable to truly witness the power of the Gospel message of salvation to a lost and dying world.


Transforming Lives By Walking in the Power of the Word

A vision is a mental picture of the preferred future; a dream or revelation of an event or something expected.  Our vision speaks to the very essence of God's expectation for His church, for we are His body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way (Eph 1:23). To walk in His fullness requires the source of all power—His Word


Living Grace Church is committed to making disciples, bringing wholeness and healing, demonstratingthe love of Christ and experiencing fun, fellowship and family as a local branch of the body of Christ.  Itis our firm conviction that the preaching and teaching of the Word is the only reliable and consistent method of godly success. We believe creating a firm foundation of truth in the inward parts must occur before one can began to grow in grace, and in the knowledge and sustaining power of the Word. It is through the Word alone that transformation of both mind and spirit occur.


We must know our God through His revealed Word before we can ultimately become witnesses of the Gospel message to the world. We have resolved that in following Christ through the Word, our confidence and assurance of God's love, omnipotence and sovereignty will promote a yearning for walking in the power of the Word.It is through walking with God and experiencing His promises through the Word that we will recognize that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think, according to the power of theSpirit that works in us.  



Interested in learning more? Watch Pastor France below!

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20100 Lakewood Avenue | Lynwood, IL 60411

Tel: 708.895.5690

20100 Lakewood Avenue | Lynwood, IL 60411

Tel: 708.895.5690



Sunday Morning Bible Study : 9:30am 

Sunday Service : 10:30am 
Wednesday Bible Study : 7:00pm




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© 2025 Living Grace Church

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